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Tapered End 0.95" String for Strandberg Bridge Cтруны для электрогитарКупить Cтруны для электрогитар Tapered End 0.95" String for Strandberg BridgeTapered End 0.95" String for Strandberg Bridge Cтруны для электрогитар

Tapered End 0.95" String for Strandberg Bridge

Рейтинг: 5/5
Доступность:в наличии
В наличии:
  • Склад Москва
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  • Доступен к поставке
Специальная цена:
1800 Р
Обычная цена:
2093 Р
Вы экономите:
-293 Р
*еще -3% в корзине при оплате наличными или переводом


Tapered end string for use with .strandberg* EGS Bridges, when the double-wound portion of the string near the ball end goes beyond the 2.5 mm (.100?) limit of the .strandberg* bridge.

We noticed after having our guitars in trade shows, where they would get extensive play and handling by various people, that with conventional strings, in particular the 8th string of our 8-string demo guitars would go completely dead like a piece of yarn after only a few days of play. We asked around among 8-string guitarists, and they said that this is completely natural and expected.

Refusing to accept this, we set about on an R&D project together with our partner GHS Strings, and after extensive testing we came up with a combination of two wraps of different alloys (stainless steel/nickel) that provides not only longer life, but better tone and tuning stability. Combine with any other brand for better tone where it means the most.

The .084? is what we use in our .strandberg* Optimized Tension Strings and comfortably handles drop E on the Boden 8 28? scale. With the new .095?, feel free to drop that further down to C!

These strings are also great additions to your 9-string projects, of course.


Размер и вес товара

Длина: 15.0000CM
Ширина: 5.0000CM
Высота: 15.0000CM
Вес: 1.0000KG
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