Sometimes real precision is required with pitch control voltages - this module features a super accurate "Cal" output, which is accurate to <1mV over 20V, translates to one cent over 20 octaves! It is ideal for calibrating the scaling of VCO's, indeed we have been using our own version of this circuit to calibrate our own MiniMod VCO's for the last three years.
As well as being a precision voltage source it is also a very accurate voltage adder, it has two channels (A & B) and both full volts (octaves) or 1/12th volt increments (notes) can be either added to or subtracted from the incoming signal. Perfect for adding a voltage offset to the output of a sequencer or it can be used to add switchable octaves to a VCO which only has course and fine tunes controls.
It also has a "mix" output, which allows either A channel on its own, or with the three way toggle switch channel B can either be added to, or subtracted from channel B, and this is in addition to the addition and subtraction per channel mentioned earlier.