This very useful module combines in 12HP four completely different sub modules: a voltage controlled LFO, a noise generator, a sample-and-hold type random generator and a VCA.
1. Voltage controlled LFO with two selectable frequency ranges: LOW goes from 0.3Hz to 6Hz and HIGH from 5Hz to 1.500Hz; using control voltages you can reach lower and higher frequencies, though. The CV input is not compliant to the 1V/octave characteristic. Two waveforms are available; square and triangle.
2. Analog noise generator that produces white noise
3. Sample and Hold: due to normalizaed sockets you can use this sub-module without patching as the LFO?s square wave and the white noise are pre-patched. Alternatively you can insert other signals than the internal white noise through the Source In socket.
4. VCA: classic VCA with one signal input, two signal outputs and one CV input
This Dual Bus version features two power connectors, meaning it can be directly connected to either an Analog Systems or a Doepfer modular system. – Adapters are no longer necessary.
All modules by Analogue Systems come ready to use with five years warranty mounted in the by the customer preferred rack or cabinet.
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