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Doepfer A-185-2 Vintage Eurorack модулиКупить Eurorack модули Doepfer A-185-2 VintageDoepfer A-185-2 Vintage Eurorack модули

Doepfer A-185-2 Vintage

Рейтинг: 5/5
Доступность:на заказ
Специальная цена:
11024 Р
Обычная цена:
12671 Р
Вы экономите:
-1647 Р
*еще -3% в корзине при оплате наличными или переводом
Doepfer A-185-2 Vintage Eurorack модули Doepfer A-185-2 Vintage Вы можете купить по выгодной цене в наших музыкальных магазинах в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге, интернет-магазин, доставка по России.
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Module A-185-2 is a precision control voltage adder/buffer. Precision means that the amplification of the inputs without attenuators is exactly 1.00 and is suitable to add control voltages for the pitch control of VCOs (e.g. from keyboard + sequencer 1 + sequencer 2). Summing resistors matched to 0.1% are used to obtain an accuracy of 0.1% for the added voltages.

The module is equipped with four CV inputs: one with attenuator and three without attenuator. Each input is normalled to +1 V (i.e. if no plug is inserted the input contributes 1 V to the sum appearing at the output). The input with attenuator can be used for common modulations (e.g. from an LFO, ADSR, Theremin, Pitch-Bender) for all VCOs connected to the output. The inputs without attenuators are planned to add control voltages coming out of keyboards, sequencers, Midi-to-CV interfaces, ribbon controllers or other CV sources that follow the 1V/oct standard. For example the CV of a keyboard can be used to transpose the CV coming from a sequencer, or the CV of a slow sequencer can be used to transpose the CV from a fast sequencer.

Each input is equipped with a three-position switch that determines if the corresponding voltage is added (right position), subtracted (left position) or if the input has no effect (center position). If no plug is inserted the corresponding switch works as an octave switch as the default 1 V are added or subtracted to the output voltage according to the switch position.

The module is equipped with 4 outputs: three non-invert?ng and one inverting ouput.

An internal jumper can be used to connect the non-inverted or inverted output to the CV line of the A-100 bus. That way the module can used to control several VCOs that are connected to the same bus board as the A-185-2 (same functionality as A-185-1).


Размер и вес товара

Длина: 50.0000CM
Ширина: 20.0000CM
Высота: 40.0000CM
Вес: 8.0000kg
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