Erica Synths Pico SEQS is an advanced 4 channel sequential switch with sophisticated control over switching the channels – it combines clock and/or CV signals to advance to the next step and to define the number of steps.
Number of switches – 4
Simultaneous switches ON - 1
CV control over sequence direction and length
External clock input
Chanel status indication LEDs
You can use this module for switching CV or audio sources in order to achieve distinct modulations and soundscapes.
With Pico Series we challenged ourselves – can we make ANY superior functionality synth module 3HP wide and affordable? Yes, we can.
NB! Inputs does not work with stackable cables.
Technical specification:
Input/Output signal amplitude
0V – 20VPTP
CV signal amplitude
-5V – +5V
Powe consuption
+22MA, -5MA
Module width
Module depth