The Flame "FX16-CV” module is a small low cost DSP-based (Spin semiconductors FV-1, 24bit ADC/DAC) multi effect module, designed for small mobile euro racks.
16 different multi effect programs are available. There are three knobs with additional CV inputs to change the effect parameters. Also it?s possible to select the effect program with CV or pot. Audio stereo input and stereo output levels are adjusted for modular rack levels. The input can be attanuated and is protected against level peaks. The dry/wet pot can be used manually for mixing between input and effect audio signal. The outputs are buffered by an op-amp. One red LED indicates clipping.
List of multi effect programms
- PITCH/ECHO (Pitchshifter-Echo)
- VIBRATO (Reverb-Envelope Vibrato)
- FLANGER (Reverb-Flanger)
- CHORUS (Reverb-Chorus)
- PHASER (Reverb-Phaser)
- ECHO-REPEAT (Stereo Ping Pong Delay)
- AUTO-WAH (Reverb-Envelope Lowpass)
- RINGMODULATOR (Reverb-Ringmodulator stereo)
- BITCRUSHER (Reverb-Bitcrusher-Lowpass)
- REV-FL-LP (Reverb-Flanger-Lowpass)
- REV-HP-LP (Reverb-Highpass-Lowpass)
- REV-PT-LP (Reverb-Pitchshifter-Lowpass)