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    VSL Synchron-ized SE Volume 1 Цифровые лицензии
    VSL Synchron-ized SE Volume 1 Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    Virtual Orchestra (download) Contains Essential Orchestra with over 30 instruments and ensembles, Comprehensive basic library with strings, brass and woodwinds, harp, percussion, celesta as well as the Bösendorfer...
    41870 Р
    38649 Р
    41870 Р
    38649 Р
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    VSL Synchron-ized SE Volume 2 Цифровые лицензии
    VSL Synchron-ized SE Volume 2 Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    Virtual Orchestra (Download) Includes Extended Orchestra with over 40 instruments and ensembles, Comprehensive supplementary library with strings, brass and woodwinds, organ, harpsichord, harmonium, prepared piano,...
    41870 Р
    38649 Р
    41870 Р
    38649 Р
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    VSL Synchron-ized SE Bundle Цифровые лицензии
    VSL Synchron-ized SE Bundle Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    Virtual Orchestra (Download) contains the 9 VSL Synchron-ized Special Edition Volumes with all instruments and playing styles, Volume 1 - Essential Orchestra, Volume 1 PLUS (additional articulations tuned to Vol. 1),...
    286638 Р
    264589 Р
    286638 Р
    264589 Р
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    VSL Special Edition Vol. 4 Цифровые лицензии
    VSL Special Edition Vol. 4 Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    Virtual Orchestra (download) Contains special winds & choir with 15 wind instruments not included in Special Edition Volumes 1-3 as well as the most important articulations of the Vienna Choir, Comprehensive...
    14711 Р
    13580 Р
    14711 Р
    13580 Р
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    VSL Synchron-ized SE Volume 5 Цифровые лицензии
    VSL Synchron-ized SE Volume 5 Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    VSL Synchron-ized Special Edition Volume 5 (ESD)- virtual orchestra- contains the most important articulations of the Dimension Strings with eight first violins, eight second violins, six violas, six cellos and four...
    15903 Р
    14680 Р
    15903 Р
    14680 Р
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    VSL Synchron-ized SE Volume 4 Цифровые лицензии
    VSL Synchron-ized SE Volume 4 Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    Virtual Orchestra (Downloads) Includes Special Winds, Choir & Solo Voices with 15 wind instruments not included in the Special Edition Volumes 1-3 as well as the most important articulations of the Vienna Choir,...
    15747 Р
    15091 Р
    15747 Р
    15091 Р
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    VSL Synchron-ized SE Volume 6 Цифровые лицензии
    VSL Synchron-ized SE Volume 6 Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    Virtual orchestra (download) Contains the most important playing styles from Dimension Brass and Dimension Brass II with 4 trumpets, 4 horns, 4 trombones, 4 Wagner tubas and "Low Brass" ensemble (1 tuba, 1 bass...'
    17008 Р
    15700 Р
    17008 Р
    15700 Р
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    VSL Synchron-ized SE Volume 3 Цифровые лицензии
    VSL Synchron-ized SE Volume 3 Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    Virtual Orchestra (Download) Contains Appassionata & Muted Strings with an emphasis on warm and gentle sounding strings, Comprehensive supplementary library with ensemble and solo strings, as well as an additional harp...
    17393 Р
    16055 Р
    17393 Р
    16055 Р
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    VSL Synchron-ized SE Volume 2 Plus Цифровые лицензии
    VSL Synchron-ized SE Volume 2 Plus Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    Virtual Orchestra AddOn (Download) Addition to Special Edition Vol. 2 - Extended Orchestra, Contains additional articulations for string, brass and woodwind instruments Specifications: ...
    18227 Р
    16825 Р
    18227 Р
    16825 Р
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    VSL Special Edition Vol. 6 Цифровые лицензии
    VSL Special Edition Vol. 6 Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    Virtual Orchestra VSL Special Edition Vol. 6 (ESD), Contains the most important articulations from Dimension Brass and Dimension Brass II with 4 trumpets, 4 horns, 4 trombones, 4 Wagner tubas and "low brass" ensemble...'
    18736 Р
    17295 Р
    18736 Р
    17295 Р
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    VSL Synchron-ized SE Volume 7 Цифровые лицензии
    VSL Synchron-ized SE Volume 7 Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    Virtual orchestra (download) Offers 22 instruments with the most important playing styles from the VSL products, Historic Winds I-III, Recorders and Glass Instruments, Contains transverse flute, baroque oboe, oboe da...
    18921 Р
    18133 Р
    18921 Р
    18133 Р
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    VSL Special Edition Vol. 2 Цифровые лицензии
    VSL Special Edition Vol. 2 Цифровые лицензии
    Рейтинг: 5/5
    Virtual Orchestra (Download) Contains Extended Orchestra with 35 instruments and ensembles, Comprehensive supplementary library with strings, brass and woodwinds, organ, harpsichord, electric guitar and concert guitar,...
    21401 Р
    19754 Р
    21401 Р
    19754 Р
1 - 12 из 20По: