Virtual Orchestra (download) Contains Essential Orchestra with over 30 instruments and ensembles, Comprehensive basic library with strings, brass and woodwinds, harp, percussion, celesta as well as the Bösendorfer...
Virtual Orchestra (Download) Includes Extended Orchestra with over 40 instruments and ensembles, Comprehensive supplementary library with strings, brass and woodwinds, organ, harpsichord, harmonium, prepared piano,...
Virtual Orchestra (Download) contains the 9 VSL Synchron-ized Special Edition Volumes with all instruments and playing styles, Volume 1 - Essential Orchestra, Volume 1 PLUS (additional articulations tuned to Vol. 1),...
Virtual Orchestra (download) Contains special winds & choir with 15 wind instruments not included in Special Edition Volumes 1-3 as well as the most important articulations of the Vienna Choir, Comprehensive...
VSL Synchron-ized Special Edition Volume 5 (ESD)- virtual orchestra- contains the most important articulations of the Dimension Strings with eight first violins, eight second violins, six violas, six cellos and four...
Virtual Orchestra (Downloads) Includes Special Winds, Choir & Solo Voices with 15 wind instruments not included in the Special Edition Volumes 1-3 as well as the most important articulations of the Vienna Choir,...
Virtual orchestra (download) Contains the most important playing styles from Dimension Brass and Dimension Brass II with 4 trumpets, 4 horns, 4 trombones, 4 Wagner tubas and "Low Brass" ensemble (1 tuba, 1 bass...'
Virtual Orchestra (Download) Contains Appassionata & Muted Strings with an emphasis on warm and gentle sounding strings, Comprehensive supplementary library with ensemble and solo strings, as well as an additional harp...
Virtual Orchestra VSL Special Edition Vol. 6 (ESD), Contains the most important articulations from Dimension Brass and Dimension Brass II with 4 trumpets, 4 horns, 4 trombones, 4 Wagner tubas and "low brass" ensemble...'
Virtual orchestra (download) Offers 22 instruments with the most important playing styles from the VSL products, Historic Winds I-III, Recorders and Glass Instruments, Contains transverse flute, baroque oboe, oboe da...
Virtual Orchestra (Download) Contains Extended Orchestra with 35 instruments and ensembles, Comprehensive supplementary library with strings, brass and woodwinds, organ, harpsichord, electric guitar and concert guitar,...