Eurorack Module Binary signal processor with AD / DA converters, Generates and processes analog signals in 8-bit, Suitable for CV and audio processing without aliasing, An almost 2 MHz internal clock with external...
Mixer mModule Triple mixer for trigger and gate signals, Divided into three independent areas, Up to four signals can be processed in each area (4: 1 combiner or gate), Area coupling by switch, Simple CV summation,...
Filter Module Analog voltage-controlled Dual-core filter module, 10 Different filter types, Frequency range: approx. 4 Hz to 28 kHz, Input level adjustable via controller, Non-linear feedback and cross-modulation,...
Eurorack Module Voltage-controlled digital quadruple LFO, Each oscillator can be used independently or in one of 3 synchronised modes: quadrature, phase and divider, Assignable waveform outputs, Assignable reset /...