Audio MIDI Sequencer (DAW) (Download)
- Current Pro Tools Ultimate version
- Annual licence incl. support plan and all updates for 12 months
- Up to 256 inputs and outputs simultaneously
- 2048 audio, 1024 auxiliary, 128 VCA and 512 master tracks
- 1024 MIDI and 512 instrument tracks
- Unlimited number of busses and 64 video tracks
- Allows mixing in Surround, Atmos and Ambisonics formats
- Extended automation options with punch, capture, write on stop, write to all enabled, automatch, preview etc.
- Editable clip FX and multi-stem bounce in one file
- Advanced editing options such as Scrub Trim, Replace Region, Fit to Marks, Matching Channels, Back and Play, Auto Fades etc.
- Numerous other functions such as offline bounce, automatic delay compensation, multitrack beat detective, elastic time and pitch, clip gain, real-time fades, extended channel metering with gain reduction display, etc.
- Advanced video editing with multiple video tracks
- Playlists and video editing tools
- Includes Complete Bundle with over 115 virtual instruments and effects incl. Groove Cell and Synth Cell as well as HEAT, DigiLink I/O licence, Dolby Production Suite etc.
- Avid Cloud Collaboration with 1 GB storage
- Integration of hardware controllers via EUCON and Mackie HUI protocol
- Pro Tools | MachineControl support
- Integration of Pro Tools HDX and HD Native systems with HD Series interfaces
- Supports AVID Carbon, S6L as well as ASIO and Core audio interfaces
- ExpertPlus support (online and by phone)