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4MS Mini PEG Eurorack модулиКупить Eurorack модули 4MS Mini PEG4MS Mini PEG Eurorack модули

4MS Mini PEG

Рейтинг: 5/5
Доступность:на заказ
Специальная цена:
20072 Р
Обычная цена:
22552 Р
Вы экономите:
-2480 Р
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A miniature, single-channel version of the classic PEG module, the Mini PEG gives you the same "pingable" envelopes in a smaller form factor. The time of the envelope is set by incoming triggers, but it can also be manually triggered with the Ping button. From there, the Size can be adjusted with the Div/Mult knob, which goes from /32–x16...great for creating repeating envelope shapes that stay exactly in time with your music, as well as complex ratcheting functions. The original is a classic, and there are plenty of reasons.

A shape knob lets you adjust the frequency response. The cycle button engages looping LFO-like behavior, and dedicated Scale/Offset knobs allow you to fine tune the amount of modulation. CV control of all major parameters is available, and the EOF gate output, Env output, and additional unscaled +5v Env output let you easily create complex modulation. If the original was too much, or too large, try out the Mini PEG from 4MS for organic-feeling, rhythmically-synchronized modulation shapes.

Mini PEG Features
  • Single-channel version of the classic PEG module
  • Clock-synced Envelopes and LFOs
  • Tap-tempo button and clock input
  • Cycle button for LFO operation
  • Clock div/mult goes from /32–x16
  • Smoothly crossfade between 9 waveshapes
  • Attenuvert and Offset controls
  • Dedicated +5v Envelope output
  • End-of-Fall gate output


Размер и вес товара

Длина: 50.0000CM
Ширина: 20.0000CM
Высота: 40.0000CM
Вес: 8.0000KG
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