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ACL - Envelope X3

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ACL - Envelope X3 Eurorack модули ACL - Envelope X3 Вы можете купить по выгодной цене в наших музыкальных магазинах в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге, интернет-магазин, доставка по России.
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The Envelope X3 gives you three ADSR-envelopes in one module. This envelope is inspired by the one of the System 100m which is very strong in creating percussive sounds.

Each of the three envelopes can be triggered via their own gate inpus. The inputs are normalised, therefore all three envelopes can also be triggered at once by one common trigger input.

Each envelope generator has a normal and inverted output, the range can be switched between short and long. The module is made of precision components, as used in measuring instruments for instance, in order to keep the parameters exact and stable for a long time. As flashly LEDs for visualisation were omitted the power consumption of the Triple Envelope Generatois quite low.


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