The RS-140 converts MIDI messages into control voltages and due to its numerous analog outputs it gives you plenty of possibilities to control your modular system with MIDI.
Besides the usual CV and gate outputs in addition it offers flexible controller outputs and it?s big backlit display and four function buttons make it easy to use. In the CV menu you can set the voltage characteristic of the CV outputs (either 1V/octave or 1.02V/oct as the Minimoog had), the note range of the pitchbend wheel and the modulation depth of the internal LFO. This LFO can be synchronized to MIDI Clock, has several wave forms and MIDI-controlled level. Both CV outputs carry the same signal and they are active buffered. Each trigger socket can output a gate, a trigger or a S-trigger (for old Moogs), either as multi trigger or single trigger. Alternatively you can output the MIDI clock that?s rate can be divided down in 9 settings. Controller: each controller output can be assigned to one of 128 Control Change commands, the pitch bend wheel, velocity or aftertouch (plus the internal LFO for controller output 1). Besides that you can set one of four output voltage ranges (0 bis 5V; -5V bis 0V; -2,5V bis 2,5V und -5V bis 5V). All settings can be saved in the non-volatile memory and you have 64 memory slots. Each of them can be recalled by Controlb Change messages.
All modules by Analogue Systems come ready to use with five years warranty mounted in the by the customer preferred rack or cabinet.
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