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Cwejman VCA-2P Stereo-Panning-Amp Eurorack модулиКупить Eurorack модули Cwejman VCA-2P Stereo-Panning-AmpCwejman VCA-2P Stereo-Panning-Amp Eurorack модули

Cwejman VCA-2P Stereo-Panning-Amp

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Cwejman VCA-2P Stereo-Panning-Amp Eurorack модули Cwejman VCA-2P Stereo-Panning-Amp Вы можете купить по выгодной цене в наших музыкальных магазинах в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге, интернет-магазин, доставка по России.
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First-class panning VCA for blending one signal between two outputs with a control voltage.

You can also use the module as two totally independent, separate VCAs. Furthermore the CVs controlling the amplitudes of the main VCAs can be CV modulated on their part, what increases dynamical possiblities even more. Two identical VCAs, both with switchable characteristic (linear / logarithmic) so you can adjust control voltages and audio signals.

The module accepts signal with a maximal amplitude of +/-10V (20V peak-to-peak) and a frequency range from DC to 50kHz. A switch activates the panning mode that blends the signal at Pan-Input between the left and right pan outputs. A potentiometer with center decent makes manual adjustment of the panorama position possible. A CV input for panning allows voltage controlled pannig and this modulation can be amplitude modulated on its own by another internal VCA! This happens by using the „level“ input above the Pan-CV input. The VCA-2P can also act as two separate VCAs. Their level is being controlled manually or with the „left level CV“ and „right level CV“ inputs. The intensity of these control voltages can be modulated by additional VCAs via the „amount“ inputs.


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