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Snazzy FX Hi_Gain Eurorack модулиКупить Eurorack модули Snazzy FX Hi_GainSnazzy FX Hi_Gain Eurorack модули

Snazzy FX Hi_Gain

Рейтинг: 5/5
ПроизводительSnazzy FX
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24029 Р
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Snazzy FX Hi_Gain Eurorack модули Snazzy FX Hi_Gain Вы можете купить по выгодной цене в наших музыкальных магазинах в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге, интернет-магазин, доставка по России.
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The Hi_Gain is a specialist for wavefolding, distortion, saturation and the like. The module features three transistor-based VCAs plus a sum output. With daisy-chaining and feedbacks, very complex effects can be achieved.

The VCAs come equipped with the following connectors and control elements:

Stage 1 – A dirty VCA
  • DC-coupled audio input
  • Gain potentiometer
  • CV input plus attenuator – For controlling the VCA. A connection between this jack and the sum channel or the single output of another section can create great feedback effects.
  • Audio output, normalized to the input of the second stage.

Stage 2 – Another dirty VCA
  • DC-coupled audio input
  • Gain potentiometer
  • CV input without attenuator – For controlling the VCA. This jack is an excellent choice for creating feedbacks as well.
  • Audio output, normalized to the input of the third stage.

Stage 3 – This stage gets louder with negative signals and quieter with positive ones.
  • DC-coupled audio input, normalized to the input of the second section.
  • Gain potentiometer
  • CV input plus attenuator – For controlling the VCA. Again, feedback routings are expressly desired.
  • Audio output

The sum output emits a mixture of all three VCAs. More precisely, the mix channel considers the results of the first two VCAs as “normal” signals and the third stage as a “DC point shifting” input. The phase of the sum output is inverted. Interesting cancellations can be achieved by mixing audio material coming from the single outputs and the sum connector.


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