The A-100 Basic System 1 is a preconfigured modular system that offers all the components of a flexible monophonic synthesizer. It is a good entry into the modular world and, thanks to its clarity, helps to understand the interaction of the individual modules. The user can expand the system with additional frames or replace individual modules as required. Basis System 1 has no MIDI interface, but can only be controlled via CV/Gate e.g. from an analog sequencer like the MAQ-16/3.
Following modules are included:
- 2x Standard VCO A-110
- 2x ADSR A-140
- 2 x LFO A-145
- 1x Ring Modulator A-114
- 1 x Audio Divider A-115
- 1 x VC Waveform Processor A-116
- 1 x Noise/Random A-118
- 1 x VCF1 A-120 (24dB low pass 1)
- 1 x A-106-6 XP Filter
- 1 x linear VCA A-130
- 1 x logarithmic VCA A-131
- 1 x linear Mixer A-138a
- 1 x logarithmic Mixer A-138b
- 1 x Dual S/H A-148
- 1 x Dual VC Switch A-150
- 1 x Trigger Divider A-160
- 1 x Trigger Sequencer A-161
- 1 x Dual Trigger Delay A-162
- 1 x Dual Slew Limiter A-170
- 1 x Multiple I A-180
The modules of Basic System 1 are assembled in a 6U frame with built in power supply and bus boards.